Creator: Herocraft
Screen Size: 128x128, 132x176, 176x208, 176x220, 240x320
Genre: Strategy

There are divinity legends and stories - but heroes are mortal. Death always tells, and only bones of great armies will remain on the battlefields, and the graves of great lords will be covered with weed. All are equal at last, killers will join their dupes, and lions will lie near the lambs.
But there's a story of heroes overcoming death.
You'll know about passion and thirst exceeding everything man can feel, about the fate of those who deceived Death itself.
You'll method Undead think and feel.
You'll have to take part in the last journey of those who were elves - out of new land of orcs, to a far north, elapsing barbarian settlements and vales of powerful wizards, through undergrounds of old races and heated rifts of demons, to white fire of the interrogators of man's conglomerates, and sharp blades of their fighters - searching the place for dead in the world of living.
Anticipating power or oblivion